I spent part of the evening listening some Jennifer Lopez videos… about how she is being cancelled

While I haven’t been living under a rock when it comes to Jennifer Lopez… I like many have grown tired of her and other celebrities being overexposed. 

As someone who regularly reads news, I had been someone astounded and perplexed with how JLO had managed to keep herself in the news… for things that were not even newsworthy.  

Hey I get that publicists and publicity, are often necessary things in the career’s of public people. 

I get that JLO was probably too good at it… I used to wonder, how can someone seemingly appear to be doing so many things every single week, and wearing all those clothes… how is even humanly possible?

Jennifer Lopez is obviously being cancelled by the internet, and probably with good reasons… listen, I’m not going to get into why I believe that, but I just want to say that I can appreciate why she is being cancelled. 

I also get why the public is now seemingly enjoying it’s new found power, to cancel celebrities.  

Think of an angry internet mob… seeking to burn the witch… the witch that they themselves created by giving her attention, adoration, and their money.  

Folks, don’t be surprised if you literally worship someone… that they turn into a monster before your eyes. 

Don’t be surprised a witch casts spells, and you the public, enjoy it, dance along, sing along…mimicking the witch’s dance moves… giving her the superbowl… 

It’s almost like they followed her, just to destroy her. 

I do feel some compassion towards JLO… 

I know what it’s like to feel the hate of people on the internet… the hate of people who tune into my posts.  

Death threats? Yup.

But I don’t know what it’s like to feel the world’s hatred.  

No, I have no where near that level of exposure. 

But although this post as started off with JLO, it’s not going to end with JLO…

I wanted to address something important about this trend…

Sure anytime someone stands up that humans don’t like… anytime someone says something that the masses don’t agree with… there’s now a reflex action to cancel them. 

Folks… this is super dangerous and it’s also super irresponsible… because…

Because… your true leaders are going to say things that you don’t agree with. 

Your true leaders… humanity… you DO NOT KNOW how to support your true leaders. 

You have NEVER truly supported your true leaders. 

You are now an angry mob, who cancels anything that doesn’t cater to your egos. 

Your true leaders have to work to help you save yourself, in spite of yourselves. 

Yup… things have gotten THAT delusional. 

Humanity doesn’t even know who it’s true leaders are. 

Humanity doesn’t even care that it doesn’t support it’s true leaders. 

Humanity is so lost, it still believes elections choose true leaders. 

Humanity believes the most popular are the most fit to lead. 

Humanity knows that the media lies to them, but it believes the media, anyways. 

If humanity is actually getting almost everything wrong, it would hate people for pointing it out. 

Humanity wants to rage against something… but is scared to rage against the beast… so it seeks to rage against well, pretty much anything and everyone who doesn’t cater to the ego. 

Now… here’s one of many dilemmas that humanity is now in:

Humanity lacks to wisdom to choose the wise to lead them. 

Yup… it’s very clear, not to everyone of course. 

It mistakes wisdom with ego, and ego with wisdom. 

For example, if I pointed out that I am a wise human… people would automatically without thinking, without knowing, and without heart… believe that this statement HAS TO COME FROM EGO!

If I pointed out any good quality about myself… there would be people out there who ‘believe in me’, that this would ALWAYS be coming from ego. 

It’s a lose-lose game folks.


You also hate it if someone points it out. 

Sooooo therefore, we ALL LOSE.  

This is NOT a game where anybody wins. 

You are not winning by cancelling the wise. 

You are not winning by cancelling out the ones who are of service to the Divine Plan. 

You are not winning by cancelling out Creator. 

You might think you are because you feel a little bit of power… but it’s just powerlessness. 

Attacking wisdom, is not a sign of power, it is a sign of weakness. 

Attacking Christ is not a sign of power, it’s a sign of suicide. 

For every wise power you seek to cancel, you actually step closer to suicide, to genocide… to death. 

Truth is, you hate it, that someone would seek to save you when you obviously have a DEATH WISH. 

Truth is, you are HELL BENT on cancelling the CHOSEN ONES. 

Truth is, you are not thinking anymore, and humanity has lost much of its ability to discern truth from fiction, friend from foe.

Truth is, most are not even ‘here’ anymore… people are usually living in the past, and are thinking other people’s thoughts.

Truth is, people don’t mind being controlled, and they don’t mind being mind-controlled either. 

Truth is, it feels better for people to have someone else think for them.

Truth is, it feels better for the masses to not listen to God, or the chosen ones. 

Humanity mistakes the chosen ones, as celebrity wannabes LOL.  Truly!

I remember the day, I figured out that I was probably a chosen one… it was one of the worst days of my life… I wasn’t happy, you think I would be thrilled… but I think the mere idea that it was remotely true, sent me into a great depression.  

Only a chosen one, can truly relate to that depression. 

Something inside me screamed at God… why do I have to fucking go through this bullshit over and over?

Why can’t I just be ‘normal’… as if that was a better hand to have been dealt. 

The thought came flooding over me and they were not good…

“They are going to hate me”

“I’m not good enough”

“No one will believe it”.

“How will I support myself?”

“How will I ever be okay with this?”

I could pretty much cry right now, just remembering. 

No one wants to have a tough life, and no one wants to be hated for doing good work. 

No one wants to be killed or sacrificed for serving our Creator. 

No one wants to be hated for helping others. 

NO one wants to be hated by those they are helping. 

As Andrew the apostle, I was crucified upside down, for serving Creator… so the last thing I wanted was to be stuck in an incarnation cycle… crucified over and over and over…

I’ll recall something that only those born into “Indian country” will ever truly deeply comprehend, I admit it still stings a little:  

I had done something to be of service to my community, and was gifted a blanket.  

This is one of the highest honours given to someone in Indian country. 

I won’t get into the details because they are not important to drudge up… 

But after hearing for years… my whole life really, to make something of myself… 

Something that I finally did, to make everybody proud… that wasn’t egotistical… 

Something that touched people’s hearts… 

Something that my mother helped to create. 

I wasn’t even expecting it, when the chief honoured me with blanket, in front of all the attendees.

But it happened, and I accepted it.  

It’s a moment like that, where you might think those around you would be proud, or happy, or feel something good right?

And someone close to me said, WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY!


It still confuses me.  

I’ll never understand why they felt that way.  

But I’ll never truly understand why people seem to automatically choose a LOSE-LOSE situation. 

People… don’t crucify the ones who are service-to-others.

Don’t bite the hand that has helped you to save yourself. 

Don’t cancel out your saviours. 

Don’t cancel out God or his chosen ones. 

You burn the life raft, while waiting for the yacht. 

You want to cancel out everybody that is not pleasing to your ego.

You cancel out those who do not whisper lies into your ears. 

And for that you ARE suffering.

For that you CRUCIFY yourself.

For that, you are on both ends of LOSE-LOSE. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. 

I really want you to win, but if you want me to lose, then you will lose and I will still win. 

You cannot cancel God’s chosen ones. 

I don’t mind calling myself a chosen one. 

Sure God chose me, but I had to choose myself too. 

I had to feel I was worthy, even if others didn’t think so. 

I had feel worthy, in an environment of hatred, fear, anger, rage, jealousy, bitterness.

I had to feel worthy feeling great disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment, depression and so much more of all that icky stuff. 

I don’t even understand my own success and I couldn’t even begin to explain it. 

But I know I survived something pretty heavy and dark… we all have. 

If we are here, and we are, we survived something so dense that it would have destroyed many angels. 

The chosen ones have had it pretty bad, folks. 

What if we changed that, so that we all can win-win?

Finally… win-win… but only the chosen ones can lead as we are chosen to do. 

You don’t have to be scared of the chosen one’s egos. 

In your anger, your rage and despair as you run out of energy and have almost lost the ability to keep your head above water… don’t burn the raft, while waiting for the yacht.. don’t crucify the christ within you.

Don’t confuse christ with being a celebrity that you must cancel.

Don’t follow people helping you, just to secretly hate on them. 

Don’t crucify people who strive to be better versions of themselves.

Don’t crucify the chosen ones. 


Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)