Feeling Something Extra Beautiful…

Feeling Something Extra Beautiful…

Dear readers, friends, allies, supporters, and others…

I just had to let you know that I’m feeling something beautiful today… but there’s more…

I’m feeling more ’empowered’… it’s as if something happened like a possible double-whammy of full moon after effects, and a solar flash.

I heard something massive was heading to earth… was it the SOLAR FLASH that we’ve been hearing about.

Come to think about it, yesterday I was having another beautiful day, having posted this…

Some channeled message are alluding that we will be soon going through a ‘solar flash’, which will help cleanse humanity from old energies, and help upgrade them to new energies.

And the fake science… they called this last one, a cannibal cme (coronal mass ejection).

****A headline from two days ago: Powerful ‘Cannibal’ solar burst will hit Earth tonight. Widespread auroras predicted****

So with this being said, I am interested in hearing from those who are more sensitive to energies… what did you feel if anything about this latest solar burst??

Including: sudden illnesses, changes of all sorts, a major energy boost, extreme tiredness, feeling spacey or ungrounded… feeling knocked off your feet… getting hit by all sorts of challenges and so forth.