Archangel Michael: Planetary Alert Message: San Andrés Fault in California, in Chile, north of Argentina. The whole Fire Belt is activating, sleeping volcanoes! The South Pacific anomaly is still active. 

Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am the Archangel Michael, I greet you in this beautiful afternoon of this day. I wanted to give you a very important information to be transmitted to all mankind. We are entering, as already mentioned by other interlocutors, a very critical period for the planet.
The planet is experiencing some very frightening times. The elements, especially the water element, are very active. You can observe and see, the number of situations that are being lived in different parts of the planet under the influence of elemental water. And these are just the beginning my beloveds.
The planet needs to be purified, it needs to be cleaned, it needs to take its physiomy for this new phase. The sun, our solar system sun, is very active, very active, emitting plasma. Sending solar plasma across the planet and reaching the planet completely. We can see it from two points of view. The point of view that will help humanity wake up, activate all those codes, to all that latent information in their DNA.
Also this energy, help Mother Earth. Certain elements are activated, such as volcanoes, tectonic plates, which can produce some earthquakes of great importance above all, in the San Andrés Fault in California, in Chile, north of Argentina. The whole Fire Belt is activating, sleeping volcanoes, even submarines are emerging activating.
The South Pacific anomaly is still active. The waters of the Atlantic will be very active, generating quite important situations on the surface. Purification is necessary my beloveds. We've already told you, the planet is in a purification phase and so are humans.
Antarctica moves, emerges, Underground Cities emerge, which also helps all these movements. The atmospheric phenomena that you guys call, are getting more and more intense.
The nucleus of the planet, the magnetic axis is moving which brings in turn situations that are visualizing in their skies. Northern Lights where you didn't see them before. All that intense energy coming from the sun, activate that plasma, activate all those northern lights.
I say to All my beloved, all. No one should be afraid, these are situations that were already foreseen and we have always warned them through these channels. It's good to be prepared beloved, prepare yourselves first internally always connected to your I Am. Always connected to that being that you are. Be prepared, have the basics in your homes for those moments.
Very, but very difficult times are coming. Be prepared everyone. Go to the simple, to the natural, connect to Mother Earth, connect to your I Am. Hold food, water. Water to drink and way to purify water.
There will be assistance. All Commands are always prepared. The Ships are all set. We are entering a period my beloved, as the Mother has already said. We enter a very critical moment, at the end of the closure of this process. But that's what we're here for, that's why we come, to attend, to help with our energy.
I tell you all to pray, meditate, stay connected to your galactic family, to your I Am. Times are pressing, more and more everything intensifies.
Whoever wants to see, see. Whoever wants to hear this message, listen to it, analyze it and internalize it. Take all the precautions that are necessary, stay calm, in love, in peace. No matter what they will have assistance.
You know that many have agreed to leave and not form part of the new earth, which was not their plan. Others will go to their home planets. But there's assistance for everyone.
Beloved, this was the message. Lots of prayer, meditation, lots of peace, lots of connection to your I Am. Turn away from mainstream media that will never tell you the truth. Search inside your heart and feel, feel all that message that the I Am will keep you alert and attentive to all this.
I'm saying goodbye. Work and benefit from healing, releasing all those negative memories and raising your frequency and vibration, which is the great passport to be protected from what is coming.
I bless you, I am the Archangel Michael.
Emanuel y Pastora – ServiUM
ERKS – 27/07/2024
Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

RPK (IITM):  This sounds pretty intense… sounds like when the earth does it's shaking, that we may have Atlantis come out of the Atlantic ocean, bits of it appearing, perhaps, I doubt it would all come back at once haha… 

By now if you are really tapped into what is happening, you might be shi*ting yourself…  but something big was always meant to happen, and souls are on contract if you will, to either survive, die or be evacuated.


I leave you with some historical spiritual guidance from the Phoenix Journals.