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The Great Petitions – Most Powerful Words Ever Heard In The History Of The World

RPK (IITM): There is no doubt in my mind that these teachings of our great master teacher and divine brother, Sananda channeled through Anne...

Did Prayer Calm Down ‘Hurricane” Milton? If So This Is A Massive Moment In Human History!!

Don't miss Ivan Teller: Update From Florida Ground Zero... From Loving Spiritual Channeler Ivan Teller..."This Is Not The Big One"!! Update From Florida Ground Zero......

Update From Florida Ground Zero… From Loving Spiritual Channeler Ivan Teller…”This Is Not The Big One”!!

Update From Florida Ground Zero... From Loving Spiritual Channeler Ivan Teller..."This Is Not The Big One"!! Ivan Teller makes some incredible statements:  This the calm before...

Reptilian Explains Why Your Society And Elections Suck!! Including Cold Women, Unloved Men And More! 

Guys, I'm curious if this message resonates with you... and have some solutions too.... Message source:

Ascension Health

What's Coming?

Divine Guidance

Did Prayer Calm Down ‘Hurricane” Milton? If So This Is A Massive Moment In Human History!!

Don't miss Ivan Teller: Update From Florida Ground Zero... From Loving Spiritual Channeler Ivan Teller..."This Is Not The Big One"!! Update From Florida Ground Zero... From Loving Spiritual Channeler Ivan Teller..."This Is Not The Big One"!! Ivan Teller makes some incredible...

Will Earth Changes Be This Extreme?!! Cataclysm Fear! Cataclysm Safety Measures Via Zetatalk 1995

Guys... we don't know if this information provided by Zetatalk circa 1995 is still relevant, but what if it is? Even if it isn't, then going though these cataclysm safety measures is surely it's a good exercise in helping...

Nibiru Clues From Kolbrin Bible, Korton Star Commander Of Ashtar Command Provides Guidance!!

Guys! More clues from Kolbrin bible, and some guidance from Korton from Ashtar Command... this all sounds like Nibiru passage will be in our lifetime, doesn't it? Zetatalk: World Teacher & Friends - Nemesis Star System category

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Nibiru Cyclic-Point (aka The Event) Described In Kolbrin Bible? You Have To Hear This!! Will You Have What It Takes To Survive This??!!

Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it will return in its appointed hour. It raged across the Heavens in the days of wrath, and this was it's likeness: It...

Nibiru Is Triggering The Solar Flashes… As It Comes Closer To Earth… The Event Is The Nibiru Cyclic Point!!

Well guys, this IS interesting.... Nibiru (Nemesis Star System) is a catalyst for the solar flashes... Oh there's more... World Teacher & Friends has a new "Nemesis Star System" category, and it has been mentioned quite a bit over...

Earth Is A Burning Building… Fire Chief Issues Public Service Announcement

Wow.... after I finished this message, I immediately was drawn to Sananda's message in Phoenix Journal 32, where he basically shares something very similar! Is it true that even many who are reading these words, are siding with evil,...

Watch The Sky For The Sun Simulators!! Artificial...

Watch The Sky For The Sun Simulators!! Artificial LED Sun Caught On Camera Twice In Aug. 2024!! Artificial sun caught on camera again... TWICE!  Notice the LED grid?? Appearing to be below the clouds? Richie from Boston... delivering the goods for humanity.... AGAIN. We remember King Nico's videos from earlier this year, who originally exposed the artificial sun during the fake eclipse, and he says there are at least 3 artificial sun programs going on right now.  Our species is a bit of a joke right now, because the average person cannot even tell when they are seeing the sun, and when they are seeing LED lights! 

“Proof Revealed: The International Space Station is Actually...

RPK (IITM):  By the way, Hatonn Pleaidian Commander says our star family finds it hilarious that the darkside has the surface humans convinced that people are bobbling like corks in water, in space.  

Proof Americans Being Fried While Alive… Fake Eclipse...

 NancyDrewberry And what the hell is that coming out of Nevada? Guys... what this looks like is that the path if the fake eclipse is being hit with microwaved pulses along with California area... FRYING PEOPLE ALIVE! The man who watches this stuff for years, has never seen pulsing like this!!! Now listen up... we KNOW that along the fake eclipse path, that people were being sprayed with a white powder. What if something in that white powder reacts with the microwave pulses??!!! At the very least... this could potentially BREAK THE DNA bonds!!! Fake Eclipse Was A Biological And Microwave Attack And The Unfortunate Aftermath Speaks For Itself… Even People Who...

International Fake Station?

Think about it. If the International Fake Station is going 17,000 miles an hour... how do they get people up and off of it, with rocket technology? How do you put the brakes on a rocket anyways? How do you get a rocket to perfectly dock to the IFS without damaging the fragile solar panels? How do they get food there, what about other supplies? If the technology to dock a rocket or pod to the IFS, then why don't they show it on TV in a transparent way? Why is so much IFS footage found to be faked? Why does some of their fake footage...

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